Hope Tanya Mangwiro is a young aspiring model from Mbare National, who has a clear vision for her future. Modeling has always been her dream and passion, and she believes that she can bring a positive influence to the modeling industry. However, this young lady is not only passionate about modeling, but she also has a strong opinion regarding child abuse.

Hope believes that child abuse should never be tolerated in any community. She has witnessed the effects of child abuse on young people, such as early child marriages, drug abuse, teenage pregnancies, suicidal thoughts, and depression. It saddens her to see kids her age going through such experiences, and she has taken a stand to make a difference.

Hope has taken the initiative to create a club at her school, called DANHO VOICE FOR AND OF THE VOICELESS, which aims to help abused kids who cannot stand up for themselves. The club’s main purpose is to make the community a better place for young girls and everyone else. Hope firmly believes that a better community leads to a better country, and ultimately, a better generation.

As for her modeling career, Hope sees herself as a supermodel in the future. She wants to be recognized as a lady who lives her dreams and overcomes the obstacles that come her way. More importantly, she wants to inspire and impact young people positively through her modeling career. Hope’s clear vision and passion for modeling and her community make her a role model for many young people.

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