‘The Show Must Go On!,was particularly important as the city’s economy had been hard hit by Covid -19 pandemic and required lockdown regulations and every opportunity needed to be taken to help restore the livehood of the city’s business’.
Those are the words spoken by Ethekwini Mayor,His Worship Councilor Mxolisi Kaunda,as he appreciated the DFF organisers for organising a virtual show of the event which was hosted from the 23rd to the 25th .
The Mayor continued on his words which showed faith towards the restoration of the economy of the city’s economy.
As the city was under lockdown due to the Covid 19 Pandemic.
“The DFF is one of the platforms to be used to assist in the city’s recovery efforts,”said Mayor Kaunda.
The show was screened live @www.durbanfashionfair.com
This year some of the designers that took take part in the show :Nguni Shades;Leigh Schubert,Indoni Fashion House;Sindi M; Quiteria Atelier,Azee Tunzi and many more.
By Rubaya Tapiwa