Photographer Adiala Jamela a 20 years old born on the 16th of March 1999 recently started Phasash Art Photography 2 months back with my partner Sasha Mushavatu. When asked for Gear they use he said: · · · · · · camera I use a Cannon 4000D lens : lens it depends on the project I will be working but usually most of my pics I use a portrait lens 50mm tripod I rarely use ash on photos because I love natural light and for me am all about the beauty creativity and with natural light am more flexible to create different styles and tell different stories through my pictures that’s for outdoors only for indoor I also use ash but I try by all means that my pictures look different I use a reflector on most of my shoots

My favorite lens is a 50 mm because its gives me sharp images, its depth of eld just amazing and it’s not heavy its portable. I can literally do anything with it without getting tired of holding my camera and also its really good for street photography; hence, for most my travels I carry my camera, lens , and my reflector as they are easy to carry.

For post processing I use Lightroom mostly, sometimes Photoshop. I love working in the dark, lol, whilst listening to music sometimes listen to my songs and I like taking my time as I work on a certain coz I believe each and every picture has a different feel so I make sure I give it what it needs. I educate myself through YouTube ,help from my partner Sasha and just asking around for help from some of the photographers I know like @Yanaka…etc and also getting lessons from @Naka Visuals and I have this doll at home and also my toys car that I practice my pictures on. Most of my inspiration comes from Naka visuals I like his creativity it’s so unique. Contact phasash art on +263 779 101 547 13

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