By Lewis Nyamakosi

At just 17 years old, Thakgatso Sebela is already making waves in the world of pageantry and modeling. But her journey to the spotlight has been anything but conventional. Growing up, Thakgatso was constantly told she had the look of a model, but she never felt drawn to the glitz and glamour of the industry.

“When I was younger, I did pageantry because I loved being on stage and all the excitement of it,” Thakgatso  recounts. “But as I got older, I realized that pageantry is so much more than that. It’s a platform to inspire and lead.”

It was at the age of 13 that Thakgatso Sebela’s passion for pageantry truly ignited. After her late sister and a friend spotted a Facebook post about a local competition, Zoe decided to take the leap and enter. Though she didn’t win that first time, the experience planted a seed that would soon blossom.

Thakgatso Sebela’s big break came when she connected with a dedicated mentor who helped guide her through the world of pageants. Under their tutelage, Thakgatso confidence grew, and she set her sights on an even bigger goal: Miss Teenager South Africa.

“I believe this is the perfect platform for me to share my passions for financial literacy and personal development with the youth of South Africa,” Thakgatso explains. “Too often, young people don’t receive the support and resources they need to reach their full potential. I want to change that.”

Thakgatso’s drive and determination are inspiring, but what truly sets her apart is her unwavering belief in the power of her voice. She cites trailblazers like Oprah Winfrey as her role models, women who refused to be defined by their circumstances and used their platforms to uplift others.

“As models, we have a unique opportunity to create real, lasting change,” Thakgatso asserts. “Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and chase your dreams. Your voice matters, so use it to advocate for yourself and your community.”

In the coming years, Thakgatso envisions herself not just on the Miss South Africa stage, but also serving her community in the courtroom and running an organization dedicated to mentoring young girls. Her ambition is matched only by her compassion and her conviction that every young person deserves the chance to reach their full potential.

“I’m so grateful for this journey, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds,” Thakgatso says, eyes shining with excitement. “Get ready, South Africa – this is just the beginning.”

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